Friday, February 5, 2016



What is identity theft ?. Identity theft, what you need to know about it.

The use of your personal data such as your name, address, telephone number, credit card, and mother’s maiden name by other people is called identity theft, which is also known to be an identity fraud. It is the illegal use of your personality to commit crime or any illegal acts.

Usually, this crime is done to commit financial fraud or deception. Either it is using your name to buy something or obtaining it thought the use of your credit account and other personal security accounts.

By the use of your name, the identity theft gets a good service and all they left for you is the bill that your name will be paying.

Sometimes, the well-established citizens are the ones victimized by identity theft; it can also target some people who do not have that much account.

What is identity theft ?. These identity thieves also use college students, the data and information about these students are much better and much easier to obtain. They use their names for application for credit cards and use it for criminal and illegal purposes.

Most college students do not care about their financial account and do not apply for these credit cards but will eventually receive credit card application on their mailbox.

Large business groups are the main target of these identity thieves. They usually find out before they apply for credits, they have history of non-payment of bills, which is actually done by these identity thieves.

Small businesses will be surprised once they apply for loan and denied of approval because of the pending loan that needs to be paid. This is every critical problem where in these small businesses have to pay the loan they did not purchase.

Almost everybody is possible to be victimized by these identity thieves. It is because of the modern technology that exists in the world today.

Transactions are made without face-to-face contact, transactions that require the name, address, contact number, security information and sometimes password. Using malicious software that are downloaded through websites, thieves are able to gets all these information.

This is how easy these thieves get the information they need. Once they got all the information they need, they will have all the possibilities to commit different financial and other related crimes.

These thieves use different identities to purchase something, gather different services, obtain bank account, apply for credit card, apply for loans and other government benefits and obtain money using the victims’ identity.

What is identity theft ?. The major problem with this kind of crime is that the victim will be forced to clear all the transaction he or she has not made. In most cases, these thieves usually pretend to be the victims’ identity, obtaining all the necessary information including the victim’s security settings.

The funny thing, these transactions are from the knowledge of the owner but will be surprised to receive many bills and loans to be paid. The more that these thieves involve in these crimes the longer it is to repair the damage.

The damage done to the victim will bring difficulty in obtaining new jobs, applying as an employer, applying for credit cards and renting apartments.

However, this major problem can be resolved. Many companies offer identity theft insurance. Many people will have the privilege to obtain this insurance as an option in their home insurance policy.

It is now possible to detect the people that uses the personal data if have home insurance policy. By this means, the owner will have the knowledge on who are the thieves that tries to use their personal data.
Reports about the present situation of the accounts are given to the owner in regular basis. However, the owner may need to pay the service rendered.

The amount that is paid over to these identity theft insurance is huge. There are many debates about it but people prefer to pay it to have peace of mind.

It is better to pay the huge prize than to be worried about the security of your identity. These insurance will surely protect the account from the identity thieves. You do not need to worry if the accounts are secured by it.

Finding the best identity theft insurance is the first thing you need to do.

Saturday, August 6, 2011

Facts About Identity Theft

Some interesting facts about identity theft. On identity theft court cases: become more aware of identity theft.

There was a time in the world history when people were contented with typewriters. Sure, there were reports of robberies and hold-ups, but there were few reports of identity theft frauds, which is totally a different kind of mettle. It is more malicious and notorious type of crime. Identity theft is more like an operation of a cruel maniac, bent on destruction under a cloud of anonymity.

Now, there are thousands – actually, millions of reports each year about identity theft cases. As modern technology further enhances, what with the Internet and all the other electronic devices for commercial and financial processing, identity thieves found it easier to get hold of confidential information.

Some interesting facts about identity theft. There are also other sources introduced by modern technology that encourage the criminals more to the lure of identity theft. This is sad, but true.

The more pensive we will be when we find out that the true victims of identity theft crime are the ones who pay for the criminal activities of others. We are likely pay repeatedly, too. Once we have encouraged the identity thief to add blackmail into their list of crimes, the more we are likely to suffer in terms of time, money and frustration.

Once the identity thief strikes, we are all victims. It is like the implications of gas price hikes. When gas prices increases, all other products, services and goods also increase.

Are you asking about motive? Well none other than greed, self-centered illusions, ill-minded world. Usually, compared to sane people, people with mental illnesses are much better. Patients with mental illness s are not that dangerous as compared to those with the ability to plot, manipulate and carry out a criminal activity.

In several identity theft court cases, the felons are also accused of having antisocial behaviors. Psychological studies used as evidences in court deliberation found out that many studies indicate that the thieves have behavioral patterns leading to Antisocial Personality Types.

As the days go by, identity theft continues to become a growing problem, instead of a reducing problem in the Unite States. Not only does it occur in small towns, said criminal activity also happen in large cities.

In 1998, due to the many unsuccessful identity theft court cases, the federal law passed the bill establishing identity theft as a simply fraudulent activity, but a blatant criminal offense with heavy charges to the convicted.

If you are asking how often the crime of identity theft occurs, there are reports released by the Identity Theft Resource Center regarding this. It shows that from 2003, there were 7 million people who became victims of identity theft within a twelve-month period. If you will compute them and convert them into time, well, approximately 13.3 people per minute who become victims of identity theft. This means that identity theft occurrences happen every minute of everyday.

There are ways in order for identity theft to be investigated and eventually, prosecuted. However, it is quite labor intensive. Investigating identity theft court cases individually are requiring many men. Usually, federal prosecution seems to think that it is too small for that agency to handle.

Due to the continued allegations and cases filed, the federal prosecution took the hint and gave it more attention. Consequently, the Departments of Justice and Treasury and the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) have taken active interest in the matter and pursued effective means of prevention, and prosecution of identity thieves.

Today, the federal prosecution acknowledges that identity theft has become the fastest-growing financial crime in America. Aside from this, it may well be the fastest-growing crime in our society. What makes it more infuriating is that offenders of identity theft are seldom held accountable.

Identity theft court cases that involve a group or a large numbers of victims are quite a unique challenge. Since it is quite important to communicate with victims, then the means of communications used by identity thieves become necessary tool as fundamental investigative information. Even loss and restitution information are also needed.

Meanwhile there are also complex identity theft court cases. In these types of cases, an interpreter may be needed to devise a system of communication to the incarcerated victims.

Even as you can file for identity theft court cases when you become a victim, it is still best to prevent being a victim first.

However, if you do become a victim of identity theft, there are two choices for you to do, first you can try to handle it on your own, or you can let a professional help you.

Experts also continuously encourage people to be proactive and instruct them about what things you need to do to prevent being a victim of identity theft. Remember, prevention is better than cure and an identity theft court case may take months to become resolved.

Friday, August 5, 2011

Enhanced Identity Theft Protection

Enhanced Identity Theft Protection
Some tips to enhanced identity theft protection and always be on the lookout For identity theft fraud.

Nothing will prevent you from being an identity theft fraud victim. These criminals can easily commit identity because of the careless information-handling processes in the workplace, lenient credit industry practices, and the effortlessness of getting SSNs.

Enhanced identity theft protection. However, you can lessen your risk of fraud by following some simple steps. Consider them so you will not find yourself in the middle of an identity theft fraud.

On credit and debit reports.

1. Do not make it a habit of carrying all your credit and debit cards in your wallet at all times. It is also not advisable to use debit cards because they are more prone to losses to your checking account.

But you can have at least one or two credit cards and your ATM with you. If you are used to using debit cards, make the most of online access to your bank account to check your  account activity regularly. It is best to report early signs of fraud to your financial bank or institution the earliest possible time.

2.  When using your cards in public establishments, be wary of how they are being handled. Pay attention on how these cards are swiped by the clerk or waiter.

There are some employees who are using non-detectable skimmers to swipe the card and get the account number data from a personal computer later on. They can use the information achieved to purchase online or to make counterfeit cards.

3. It is not a good idea to use debit cards when you are shopping over the Internet. Instead of these cards, use a credit card instead. Yu are better protected if you use these kind of cards whenever you do some purchase online.

4. Maintain a list of copy of all your cards. You should also have a separate list for the account numbers, dates of expiration and phone numbers of customer service and fraud establishments.

It is best to keep them with you at all times. Put them in a safe pocket of what you are wearing so you will have immediate access to them whenever the need arises.

5. Do not give out any of your personal information over the phone, Internet or by mail. You can do this if you have enough trust on the person who will be receiving them.

One of the strategy that identity thieves use is calling out to their potential victims and telling them that they have won some contest. They will then tell you that you need to give out some personal data so you can get your prize.

6. Do not dispose your receipts anywhere. Always try and bring them along with you. If ever you want to throw them away, tear them first and find a safe place to thrash it in.

It is not wise to put receipts on shopping bags when you go shopping. Put them in your wallet or purse to avoid having someone getting hold of them.

7. Do not have your credit card number written your checks. Besides being exposed to dishonest persons, this is also in violation to some of the law in many states.

Take note that by doing this, you are more prone to being a victim of fraud.

8.Check the mail always especially if you are waiting for one of your cards to arrive. You never know who might be watching out for them and try to steal them when you are not looking.

If the card does not arrive at the anticipated date and time, contact the card company or the issuer to make sure that it have not fallen into the wrong hands already.

9. Request for a credit report at least once a year. The law gives you the right to one free credit report each year from the three credit bureaus.

Your credit report will show drastic signs and changes if ever you are a victim of identity theft. You might find in them inquiries not made by you, along with new accounts that you did not request or open.

The sooner you notice that an identity fraud is taking place, the easier and quicker it will be to clean up your credit files and get back your financial capabilities. Enhanced Identity Theft Protection.

Check out my other guide on credit card identity theft and criminal identity theft.

Effects of Identity Theft

Effects of Identity Theft
What are the effects of identity theft on an organization?

If identity theft can cause so much trouble for an individual, it can also cause the same kind of trouble to companies or organizations.

It seems that people have found a gold mine in stealing other peoples’ information to use for their own personal gain. And since there are a lot of benefits gained from this, there is no stopping anyone from doing it more and more.

The popularity of the Internet and computer databases has only become an additional tool for thieves to steal information from. Just think of all the genius minds wandering unnoticed everyday.

The economic and social effect of this crime is not something to be ignored. If they can do these things to nameless individuals then the more they can do it with big organizations that are known and may have some of its information up for grabs.

Even if there is still no perfect solution, every organization should take reasonable steps to reduce the risk and to know what to do if an identity theft incident occurs there.

Identity theft in an organization can be attested to different factors:

Identity theft because of negligence and lenient standards.

Out of negligence, an organization can fail in checking the validity of persons or companies they are selling their information into. They may not be aware that some of this are identity thieves whose sole purpose is to get information about the organization.

Another case of negligence would be putting information into portable, carry around gadgets. Example of these are lap tops and notebooks. The potable things are one of the most convenient ways of keeping important information.

Many of its owners do not protect or encrypt any information stored. The result? Instant access to personal and organization-related information once these things have gotten into the hands of wrongdoers.

There have been reports of data and information being lost in some bigger organizations. There are many reasons why this thing can happen. One is that the company may not have the potential to safely store big files. Another is that, they do not have a way of knowing what the employees are doing and what they can access to.

Identity theft using state-of-the-art attacks.

Some identity theft attacks occur through technical means, such as exploiting weaknesses in computer hardware or software. Hackers make the most of the problems in operating systems, firewalls, Internet browsers, or internal processing software to gain unauthorized access to confidential data.

But these kinds of attack can be countered by:

Keeping up to date with security software updates. An unpatched system is operating with known weaknesses. These weaknesses can act as invitations to hackers. But applying patches takes time and resources. And it is up to senior management to maintain that security updates be handled fast and effectively.

Knowing where essential customer data are stored. Every company should have data flow mapping. This will provide an objective basis for company managers to track information and understand who will have access to those data.
The strategy is to create a “path” so the data do not just thrive randomly in different electronic nooks and corners of the company. This will prevent employees, freelancer, contractors or hackers to gain access to the information stored.

Collecting proof when an incident occurs. Failure to gather evidence in a forensically sound manner can make it impossible to track criminal charges or to look for civil compensation. Having qualified computer forensic resources should be a part of every organization’s plan.

Recognizing the dangers of wireless data communication. You may seen instances where organizations do not properly secure wireless networks. The network may not be protected and unauthorized network could be accessed from outside the premises of the organization.  Regular testing to make sure that no one is running a scoundrel network, and that authorized wireless networks are well protected, is very important.

The effects of identity theft in an organization is a problem that should not be taken for granted. While there are no absolute solutions, there are many well-documented methods to decrease the risks and handle incidents effectively.

The effects of identity theft vary from one organization to another. But with preparation, planning, and the recognition that a wide range of expertise sets are needed to stop this crime, any organization can keep up with the challenge.


Article about define identity theft. Defining the insidious crime of identity theft.

It could be a scene from a movie, only it happened! However, this type of stealing, person-to-person, may well exists in movies exclusively for the next years to come.

The wind is blowing briskly through the tall buildings you are passing by. It was already late at night and you were walking down the street alone. He/she proceeded to run by you and knocking you over, made a grab for your wallet and disappeared through a corner. Then, a person appears, out of nowhere.

Why, you may ask.

Such activity that has now alarmingly reached millions of victims in United States and Canada is known as Identity theft. Campaigns and laws have been passed all to combat it and build up public awareness. It has shown up in news reports for the past several years.

Nowadays, thieves no longer care to rob a person, bank or any other establishment because they just use an individual’s information to obtain employment, credit and bank accounts and other means of obtaining money or credit.

They spend more than $1,400.00, and 200 hours to clear up their personal and financial reputation. Last September 2003, the FTC reported that identity theft victims suffer terribly from the said crime.

They may end up spending more in terms of frustration. Once identity theft crime becomes more flagrant, victims may have to spend more than this, and not only in terms of time and money.

By knowing and defining identity theft to other people, too, they will come up with more ways to combat against it. If you do not have money to spend, or rather, waste just to pay for being a victim of identity theft, then you must know the exact definitions of identity theft, how it works and how you can become a victim.

About define identity theft. Identity theft or ID theft this insidious crime of obtaining and using another individual’s personal data. This act is done without the knowledge of the victim and is usually followed by a criminal act. By personal data it means, the name, address, telephone number, phone card or credit card and Social security number.

Indeed, identity theft is done by someone, pretending to be another and purchases products using that person’s credit account, obtaining money from bank accounts and ordering goods and services using another’s credit name. The criminal acts of an identity thief may range from committing financial fraud using the personal information.

Sometimes, victims are surprised when they find out that they are application for loans were denied because without their knowledge, they have accumulated too many loans because of the handiwork of an identity thief.
The victim of identity theft is usually left with the bill for the purchased/ordered goods and services.

The frauds and deceptions being done using another individual’s identity is another unlawful act. Stealing people’s identity is a serious crime. Once identity thieves steal other people's identity they usually do the following:

-  make purchases or order goods without the intention to pay
-  apply for credit
-  open bank accounts
-  apply for loans
-  apply for government benefits
-  obtain cable or utility services using the another person’s (victim) name
-  forge checks or bank drafts
-  use victim’s accounts to obtain money through wire transfers using the victim's accounts
-  and other similar acts of fraud.

Beforehand, they con the government agencies concerned with registering business companies. They file for change of names and address. Corporate identity theft happens when an individual applies for credit or buys goods under the pretense of being a company director of a certain company.

Individuals are not the only targets of identity theft. Businesses can also be the targets of identity theft. They also target business establishments, especially those medium and small limited businesses.

The company, then suffer the brunt of such criminal acts. They use the said address to direct suppliers of goods they bought, when the bill arrives, they have long disappeared.

Sometimes they stead college students’ identities to set up fake credit accounts. Aside from people with good and well-established credit reports, identity theft also victimizes those without much credit.

We must be doubly sure that all our personal documents and information are protected and are not passed on into wrong hands. Individuals must be proactive so as not to become a victim of identity theft.

There are also federal laws passed that already define identity theft as a serious criminal act instead of just a fraudulent activity. Presently, many efforts are being done in order that people be aware of identity theft. This is a big step in the fight against rampant identity theft.

Avoid being a victim of identity theft, beware and be cautious!

Criminal Identity Theft

Criminal Identity Theft
Put an end to criminal identity theft. Being mistaken for someone else can be very hazardous. It can actually get you punished for something you never did. A couple of situations have already cropped up when someone else in a course of a criminal act uses another persons identity.

Many criminals have had the ability to get crucial and vital information, such as social security number, addresses, credit card numbers, bank accounts, birth certificates and etcetera to commit crimes.

The imposter uses someone else’s identification. Not only that, most of the imposter uses fraudulent information or in this case, true personal information but not their own. The fake identification can lead the crime to someone else. As a result, the innocent person will suffer from all of the consequences of the crime commited.

In a traffic scenario, criminal identity theft can also happen. Traffic imposter that violates the traffic rules can use a fraudulent driver’s license with another persons name. By doing this, they can escape the traffic fine or escape from appearing in court as the law requires. The fine goes to another persons record.

The judge will surely issue a warrant of arrest for traffic violation. Unfortunately, the license card is in the name of the victim. Because of this, the imposter will never appear in any court hearing. The worst thing is that, the victim is normally arrested upon a routine traffic stop.

Criminal identity theft is more complicated compared to financial identity theft. Fortunately, unlike other theft cases, criminal identity theft is very rare. In this case the imposter has a rigid form of identify complex. Especially if the suspect uses a different fraud identity, the police department will surely have a hard time looking for the perpetrator.

At the present situation, police are very much more cautious when it comes to criminal identity theft. This offense is considered to be an extreme personal crime. Moreover, records are not easily cleared which could cause several problems with transactions a person may undertake. For example, a criminal record, albeit false, can mar a clean record causing a person some problems with say his credit or a job opportunity.

Not only that, criminal identity imposter can also tamper with some bank account charges of the victim. It can also make some bank account withdrawals and social security tampering. Unrelated crimes can also be committed by the imposter for whom the victim may be held responsible.

Criminal identity theft can also affect the victim in obtaining a job. The imposter can simply use the other personal documents in some events. An impostor can steal from a company and the assumed identity may get the bum wrap for the act done.

The real trouble in identity theft is that the burden of proof relies on the victim’s evidences. The victim must have enough information and data in order to clear up the issues. Not only that, if the imposter had committed a serious offense, the trial can take years. It can even cost the victim thousands of dollars to clear his or her name. These are more conveniences on the part of the victim.

In most cases, the victim is required to have a set of circumstances. The victim must render enough time and evidences to clear the issue on his or her criminal records. A good lawyer should also be retained, the sooner you clear your name and your records the better it will be for you.

If you ever found out that someone is using your identity, don’t wait for the authorities to pick you up, do actions already to minimize the potential damage it may cause.

What are things that an individual should do when criminal identity theft happened?

•  The very first thing that he must do is to report the incident. The local law enforcement agency must know the misidentification issue.

•  Proper impersonation report must be filled officially. The victim must not take all things for granted. He must act as soon as possible to prevent serious troubles.

•  Having enough information about the particular laws of the state is important. The victim must know the proper proceedings when it comes to identity theft. Here is where a good and knowledgeably lawyer will be very handy.

This kind of criminal offense happens more often than what everybody thinks. It has already destroyed countless lives of innocent people. Do not let somebody damage your reputation. Take the essential precautions to protect yourself from criminal identification theft.

Credit Card Identity Theft

The information about credit card identity theft. Avoid becoming another Hopeless Victim of Bank Identity Theft

The thief will commit fraud using the person's name and important confidential information without the victim ever knowing about such transactions. Identity theft occurs once a thief assumes another person’s identity by using confidential information supposed to be known exclusively by that person.

Ever wonder how identity theft occurs? It is actually quite fascinating, if it is not a very malicious and dangerous crime.

They leave behind a ruined reputation, and a paper trail of ruined credit, debts and collectors. When the person or victim finally finds out about the crime committed, the thief is long gone in excruciating anonymity.

Sometime the implications of identity theft usually cause the wrongful arrest of the victim. Why so? Because, without the identity theft angle in the case, it can be assumed that the victim was the one who committed the crimes because it was done under his/her name.

The past several years brought about an alarming wave of identity theft crimes in different areas dealing with personal information and economic transactions.

It is an alarming occurrence and usually, the victims would suffer the implications of the crime for years to come.

Bank identity theft has been around long before there were social security, job banks, credit card, internet, airline and medical community identity thefts. One of the hardest hit by identity theft crimes are the banks.

Bank identity theft occurrences vary. Another case may involve the identity thief assuming the name and other personal information of another person then files for a bank loan. Some cases involve a thief continuously withdrawing huge amounts of cash from a bank account of another person until there is none left.

Armed with personal information of another person, an identity thief can obtain a driver's license. Bills and statements from these transactions are diverted to the thief's temporary address. He/she can open new lines of credit and bank accounts even buy a car and get a mortgage.

All these occur with the thief hidden in a shroud of anonymity. They then bilk the victim’s credit line for all it is worth in cash advances, loans and credit card debt without intent to pay.

Bank identity theft and other forms of identity theft is a nightmare for millions of people who have become victims of such crime. Sadly, though state and federal laws and stricter bank transactions have been imposed, the number of victims continues to rise each year. Indeed, the figures of those victimized have reached into millions already.

Financial recovery from identity theft can take years. When the walls come crashing in, you are left holding the bag and the thief is long gone.

Aside from this, the felon also obtained a federal home loan, bought homes, motorcycles, and handguns using the victim's name. There was a notorious case of identity theft wherein the criminal, a convicted felon incurred more than $100,000 of credit card debt.

In United States and Canada, many people have reported unauthorized persons taking out funds form their bank or financial accounts. With it, the thief have run up huge debts and committed crimes all under the name of the victim. There are even worst cases when the victims report of an identity thief who has totally taken over their identities.

He declared that he could continue posing as the victim for as long as he wanted. With maniacal pride, he called his victim to taunt him. Then, the thief filed for bankruptcy still using the victim’s name. During that time, identity theft was not yet a federal crime.

The only positive thing that came out of this case and the others similar to this is when the Congress created a new federal offense against identity theft in 1998.

Very bitter was the fact that the criminal only served a brief sentence while the victim and his wife spent more than four years to restore their reputation and credit. The criminal did not even made restitution for all the danger he had caused. They also spent more than $15,000 of their own money to win back their credit.

The information about credit card identity theft. You can avoid being a victim of bank identity theft by identifying red flags that may indicate

Here are several red flags that indicate you may be a victim of identity theft:

1. Debts showing up on your credit reports that you did not file.

2. Calls or notices from businesses about merchandise you did not buy.

3. Notifications from collection agency about accounts you never opened.

4. No bills and credit card statements arrive on the days you expect them.

5. There are notice charges, which you did not authorize on your credit card statement.

6. There are bills for a credit card account you did not open.

7. Unauthorized transfers or withdrawals on your bank statements show.